Peter Wu - Online Memorial Website

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Peter Wu
Born in China
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Life is eternal and love is immortal; And death is only a horizon, And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Rossiter W. Raymond

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Peter Wu who was born in Shanghai, China and passed away on November 12, 2014. Peter will live forever in our memories and hearts.


In the world of tennis, Peter Wu was an enthusiast.  More Importantly, Peter was a kind man, a champion in life.  He was a champion not because he came No. 1, but the eldest son in his family.  His life was a gift to his mother and younger brother, and all of us.  He worked tirelessly as an accountant.  He left the Crocheron Park tennis court in a better place than when he came into the role of being a universal hitting partner.  He can now rest in peace knowing that he did his deeds.

The sport is grateful for knowing him, the players know he cared beyond his belief and his family knows how much he loved them.

We will all miss that hearty laugh, those helping hands, that endless support to all of us. 


Peter 的家人要為他辦一亇歡愉的聚餐告便仪式,他是一楽觀進取的人,一定不想讓大家悲戚。告別餐定在11月22日星期六 5 pm 東溢豐酒楼举行,135-29 37th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354. 可以出席的朋友,請email 給我.

Peter Wu's memorial service dinner will be held on Sat Nov 22 5pm at "Tung Yi Fung Seafood Restaurant" 135-29 37th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354. Free Parking on Prince Street. 

Message from mother of Peter Wu:


     Peter不幸於二0一四年,十一月十二日上午十一時十分,突然與世長辭, 沒有給我留下一句遺言,就已然天人永隔,從此永別…….。
     這一切對於作為母親的我來說,無異於晴天霹靂,讓我肝腸寸斷五內俱焚, 悲不自勝。就在我萬念俱灰,六神無主,感到無依無靠非常無助之際,是您們及時的關心,安慰和幫助給予了我以極大的支持,讓我得以鼓起勇氣處理好Peter的一切後事讓他入土為安。在這個過程中,承蒙 Tom先生的關愛, 特為Peter舉辦佛法超度法會,並承網協的領導和  朋友 蒞臨參加,還承蒙各位朋友的關懷,為Peter慷慨捐款。這一切都讓我銘感五內永記在心, 在這裡請讓我代表我自己和我的家屬,向您們致以最誠摯和最衷心的感激和感謝。
Nancy   Ling      敬上

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